PFAN-LAC/GM Partnership
In our work as part of the X Challenge Mexico (CTCM), GreenMomentum (GM) successfully launched an incubation and acceleration program in 2010.
During the program’s 10-year run GM assisted nearly 1,400 startup companies from all around Mexico to define, develop, and finance sustainable business models.
Despite the success of the incubation program significant post-incubation support was determined to be required before our “graduates” could access outside investment for their endeavors.
As part of an effort to strengthen the post incubation ecosystem, we partnered with PFAN-LAC in support of their outreach activities in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) focused on identifying clean energy and climate project developers and strengthen the underlying financial structure, business plan, and a first project presentation that meets the needs of investors. In parallel, PFAN-LAC has expanded its coaching and investment advisory services upstream in the development process, to companies beginning feasibility studies, thereby providing added support to the post incubation phase of new ventures.
Working with PFAN-LAC to create the next breakthrough innovation model